What I heart about Kacch:
-dhabelis (yummy mix of vegetable puree, spices, chutnies, and peanuts sandwiched between toasted bread
- the lack of special foreigner fees for entrance into historical/cultural monuments
-the Kacchi language (it's the most natural mix of Sindhi and Gujarati, just brilliant.)
-I got my number skills tested as all would give me phone numbers in Hindi
- the silver, the embroidery (can't wait to go back when I am not a student!)
a bhunga (typical village dwelling in this area)
beautiful mud art inside the homes of Dhodo
my friend Sofiya's dowry (she and her friends hand embroidered e main blanket and the large stack of blankets behind it
Zakhira dressed up as a bride (the house I was visiting had just welcomed 4 new bahus, so all were very excited to show me all of the wedding related items)